While it is debatable "where" this strain of Corona Virus ( SARS-CoV2) has come from, it is a real thing to pay proper attention to. Just as with any Virus, there is no "magic bullet" cure out there. There are definitely some treatments, as we have learned, that work better than others, this is why it is called the "Practice" of Healthcare/ Medicine/ Chiropractic, etc. We are always learning better and more efficient ways to treat a myraid of conditions that people have. I would like to focus for a moment however on the fact that as humans, we have been in contest with various infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, mycoplasmas, for a millennium. One has to believe that over the hundreds of thousands of years, that our species has learned to adapt to all of these challenges...... your parents and all of theirs before them have successfully accomplished this or you would not be alive to read this document, much less any other function of life. We all know this to be true, however somehow in today's information age, we act as though we have forgotten. For example, we all know that a child's fever is actually a very good thing (within an acceptable range) for fighting bacterial and viral infections, yet how many times do parents reflex at the first sign of fever with Ibuprofen or the like? And why? To protect their child of course! However, this is a great example of a common procedure performed with the best intentions of helping that actually ends up being often more detrimental than beneficial. There are many examples of how we need to slow down and take some common-sense steps towards health, lest treatments unintentionally end up worse than the conditions they are designed to treat.
Where am I headed with this? I strive every day to guide my patients on the path of the Foundations of Health. There are Foundational Steps/ Actions that are vital for every person, regardless of various infectious agents out there. While some viruses can certainly be more virulent than others, the rules are generally the same. This is why with ALL infections (viral, bacterial, etc), those that are most immuno-compromised are the ones that are most likely to fall ill or even suffer fatality. This means that the determining variable to health in general...... is INDIVIDUAL IMMUNE COMPETENCE. Your health and well-being is not determined by the virus so much as your ability to fight it. We all intuitively and experimentally know this, however we often live as though we have forgotten this fact.
The greatest challenges to health are largely 1. Clean Water 2. Malnutrition 3. Appropriate sewage and refuse management. This is why in today's 3rd world areas where these items are not in balance, they have more endemic disease, unfortunate as it is. If a person is malnourished, has no clean drinking water and is around sewage and disease-infested surroundings, this person is most likely to fall ill at least at some point. We should all be thanking our plumbers for the steady decline in disease over the last 2 hundred years......plumbers and food-suppliers!
Viruses and Bacteria don't prefer one person to another, nor do they kill people equally. The virus is the same regardless of the person, it will simply affect some people more severely than others based upon the IMMUNE RESPONSE OF THE INDIVIDUAL. To run this point home further is the fact that each of us has known times in our lives that we were more likely to get sick than others. That is, times we haven't been eating right, and have been stressed out with perhaps little sleep facilitated a greater opportunity for us to become ill than times we were exercising, eating right, getting good sleep and de-stressing.
So what should we all be doing to minimize our changes of getting sick? We should be taking care of our body by giving it what it needs to function optimally. As a society we should be more reliant upon educating and providing positive opportunity and resources to the individuals that make up the society, and less reliant upon outside interventions unless they are needed. These ideas are not patentable, nor is the air, ,water, sleep, and relaxation we all need, however this does not change the truth of their necessity.
So, what are the basic components and some additional things to consider?
1. Drink appropriate amounts of clean water - the average American is dehydrated
2. Get appropriate sleep - the average American gets 6 hours or less of sleep / night ( 7-8 is best)
3. Have a time/space for active De-Stressing, such as Meditation.
4. Eat a Balanced Diet of "Good" foods - this part is particularly important point as all too often the American Diet consists of foods that are "empty calories" and not "nutrient - rich" foods. Many fast and pre-prepared foods are full of sugar and other components that can actually be harmful, making a person more likely to become ill. Sugars should be primarily in the form of fruits and a very low percentage of one's diet. The average American eats lots of sugars in pre-prepared foods and ends up with something called insulin-resistance along with type 2 Diabetes........ all precursors for a weakened immune response to any virus.
5. Supplements can be very useful and often necessary - As American food sources are often devoid of necessary vitamins and minerals, "supplementing" is very often necessary. There are some supplements in particular that I will quickly list in a general sense for maximizing the average persons health and immune function towards greater homeostasis (Balance.) This is not intended to be a comprehensive list. This is also not designed to diagnose any person or institute a doctor-patient relationship. No specific quantity recommendations are listed as this can vary by the individual and anyone reading this list should consult their healthcare provider prior to making changes.
Vitamin D3 - helps improve immune competence, necessary for health.
Zinc - necessary for enzymes to work correctly. Helps maximize immune function.
Vitamin A - great for optimizing respiratory health.
Vitamin C - great antioxidant and maximizer of immune function.
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) - antioxidant, helps break down mucus bonds, helps produce Glutathione.
Selenium - shown to help suppress progression of viral burden.
Glycyrrhiza (Black Licorice) - shown to have antiviral properties and help inhibit replication of SARS-associated viral strains in research.
Clearly the idea here is that illness in general, not withstanding Coronavirus, is determined by each individual and how healthy they are or are not. Those that are already sick or predisposed, are the ones with the greatest risk. While compromised individuals should take necessary extra precautions, they as well as ALL individuals should take the necessary foundational actions/steps towards being as healthy and strong as possible as there is no "magic-bullet" to health, simply a common sense approach that has gotten us this far.....hopefully in balance with our environment.
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